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Top Quality Physiotherapy

Improving mobility, function and performance

Veterinary Physiotherapy

Veterinary physiotherapy utilises scientifically-based treatments to reduce pain, improve mobility and prevent recurrence of injury in animals. Proceeding a veterinary referral, holistic functional assessments allow the formulation of individualised treatment plans for short term and long term management of many musculoskeletal or neurological conditions for both the equine and canine patient. Physiotherapy can also be used to improve performance within animal athletes to minimise injury risks whilst optimising sporting performance.


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Appointments begin with collating relevant clinical history, which is followed by a full static and dynamic assessment evaluating posture and movement. Manual techniques such as palpation and range of motion are then used to gain an overall picture of your animal and tailor their treatment plan



Treatment techniques are then used to address the findings from the initial assessment whether that is for rehabilitation or general maintenance. A range of manual techniques, electrotherapies and remedial exercises will be used during the session


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After the appointment has finished a detailed report will be given to you including home management advice and where appropriate a home exercise plan that can be carried out between sessions. All exercises will be demonstrated within the physiotherapy appointment

Canine Anatomy

These are just some of the muscles that would be assessed during the musculoskeletal evaluation

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Veterinary Consent

Veterinary physiotherapists work in accordance to the Veterinary Surgeons Act 1966, therefore require a signed veterinary consent form prior to the physiotherapy appointment. The form below can be downloaded and emailed or taken to your vet to be signed before being sent back to us, via email, prior to your appointment

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